Only one FREE workshop per customer! In-person and Hybrid workshops available in select locations in North America and Europe.

DailyStruggles Workshop
Find out what is your top challenges are as of now, with peer feedback and PB JAM science!
Valid for one month
Brief introduction to PB JAM
Experience PB JAM through a workshop
Guided discussion and reflection on your top DailyStruggles
Find your top DailyStruggles and focus areas to work on
Discuss path forward options and opportunities

PeerPower Workshop
Experience how your peers can boost your career! Find out your Personal Code of Success!!
Valid for one month
Experience the power of PB JAM first-hand!
Find out what makes you successful
Learn feed forward interview technique
Build confidence in how you approach your next challenge
Leverage your peers perspectives

Ship of Theseus Workshop
How have you changed over time? What have you let go? What new skills/attitudes have you incorporated?
Valid for one month
Discuss and reflect on who you are as a professional
Explore how you have changed over time
Find out what you need to be successful as of now
Leverage your peers perspectives
Build a better understanding of your professional self

Alignment Workshop
Drowning in too many objectives? Your teams not clear on what to focus on? Enjoy clarity like never before!
Valid for one month
Experience the power of PB JAM frameworks
Remove the complexity from your focus
Align the team seamlessly towards the company goals
Leverage your peers to build better goals
Walk out with simple quarterly goals for you and your team
Mini versions of our popular workshops - Experience the power of PB JAM first hand!
What will help you and your team the most as of now?