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66 days to sustainable change as per Neuroscience

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

#TLDR: Most #PBJAM programs are 12-16 weeks in duration rather than a week or two and for a good reason! #neuroscience tells us that our new behaviors or changes become sustainable in 66 days on average.

At #PBJAM, we love #neuroscience! It is a fascinating look inside our brains. Once we start to understand how our brain works, it becomes much easier to adapt to our circumstances through the right responses. We can leverage our brains rather than fight them!

We all are creatures of habit and for a good reason. The more actions we can do without thinking, the more our brain is free to think and plan other things. Evolution favors habits! Naturally, habits are hard to form and harder to rid. However, there is an in-built mechanism in our brains that allows new habits to form when repeated for a certain period.

We react or behave driven by two strategies, a) Purposeful goal-oriented action and b) Learned behavior (1). The first strategy requires our brains to think actively, while the second strategy allows our brains to react reflexively (lower workload).

Most of the professional soft skills that people work on rely more on the first strategy, and hence it can be emotionally exhausting for them. No wonder, soft skills are not easy to strengthen, nor easy to measure! But why fight our brains when we can partner with them?

That's our focus at #PBJAM! We use the deep insights from #neuroscience and other disciplines to provide highly effective, individualized solutions for professional development at scale. So, coming back to our dilemma of how to leverage our brains while forming new professional habits.

In 2009, Philippa Lally and colleagues (2) researched the length of time it takes for our brains to turn a purposeful goal-oriented action into a learned behavior. Their research showed that the average duration is 66 days with a range of 18-254 days (see above graphics)!

66 days is approximately 10 weeks and hence, most of our programs span 12-16 weeks! We ease our brains into transforming purposeful actions into learned behaviors. This is why we see high levels of #sustainability in the learning for our clients. Our participants benefit from many such scientific insights without having to read and understand the science behind them.

#PBJAM platform offers a seamless and easy user experience for the participants without making them read research papers and without introducing new jargon. Talk to your HR representative today to ask about how you can benefit from #PBJAM.


  1. Adam C. G. Crego, Fabian Stocek, Alec G. Marchuk, James E. Carmichael, Matthijs A. A. van der Meer, and Kyle S. Smith, Complementary Control over Habits and Behavioral Vigor by Phasic Activity in the Dorsolateral Striatum, The Journal of Neuroscience, March 4, 2020, 40(10) : pp 2139 –2153

  2. Phillippa Lally, Cornelia H. M. Van Jaarsveld, Henry W. W. Potts and Jane Wardle, How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world, European Journal of Social Psychology 40: pp 998–1009

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